On Doodle Daddy

Doodle Daddy Store


Crazy cool swag - Everything from beer steins to t-shirts. New products are added frequently.

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It's been described by my daughter as creepy yet somehow cute. If that's what you're lookin' for, I'm your man!

Have a look

Daddy's Head


Step into the wonderfully strange world of Daddy's Head and read the journal of its discovery and exploration.

Be Afraid

the Doodle Daddy Welcomes You!

I’m Matt Dawson and the Doodle Daddy is my alter-ego. By day I’m a Digital Director, but I moonlight as an Illustrator. Here is where creative inspiration crawls out of my head and on to the virtual page. 

Look Around

Peruse the strange, beautiful and sometimes mildly disturbing artwork within. If you feel inspired, let me know what you think.

Like What You See?

Some of the work here is available for sale on products and prints in the Doodle Daddy Store. Some is available for licensed use rights. I also work on commission.

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Contact Me

Doodle Daddy

PO Box 304, Kingston, NJ 08528, US

(609) 865-0418